Friday, November 5, 2010

The great Socialist election victory of 2010

The “purging of moderates” within the Democrat party

We have seen all of the reports that the American people spoke loud and clear. We have been told that this election was historic on so many fronts. We were told that the people demand smaller government, less taxes and, well, Conservative constitutional adherence. In all of the jubilance that the American people exhibited and the purported work to reverse the far left socialist agenda gets underway there is a side story that has not been reported – the story that the far left, radical wing of the Democrat party also won this year in historic proportions. What, you say?

We have learned well in advance of Obama’s election of his extreme radical ties and his “Marxist” roots. Since taking office we have also come to learn that the far left fringe elements of the Democrat party have taken over, or “high jacked” if you will, the party. As a result of the two dynamics just mentioned that startled and concerned the American populace resulting in a line in the being drawn in the sand forcing us to use the most powerful weapon in our arsenal to implement a reversal of change – that weapon was our votes.

The word that the Democrats have fought a public fight over in order to distance themselves from was “Socialists”. The MSM has painted those who attempted to label Democrats and the Obama agenda as a whole as Socialist have been met with resistance and scorn. Paranoia.

Then something happened, not once, but from different Elitist Democrats who boldly stepped forward to declare that yes it is Socialism at work.

The infamous Fox News interview with Al Sharpton:

REV. AL SHARPTON, CIVIL RIGHTS LEADER: I think that this is — began to transform the country the way the president had promised. This is what he ran on.

GERALDO RIVERA, FOX NEWS ANCHOR: Some argue to socialism.

SHARPTON: Well, first of all, then we'd have to say that the American public overwhelmingly voted for socialism when they elected President Obama.

I wrote an article recently that outlined that 70 members of Congress have been openly identified as members of the DSA (Democrat Socialists of America).

I did not pull these names out of a hat, out of thin air but from the DSA’s own documents that boasts of this tie. Not only is the Government full of Socialists but one must read the “charter” or philosophy of this group to understand its goals and then compare these goals to what has actually transpired through the forced legislation that angered and awoken the masses to begin to reverse it course.

Once the dust started to settle on the mid-term elections and the MSM decrying the loss of the Democrats by historic proportions there was one aspect of the elections that have gone unreported -- The re-election of these 65 of these 70 hard core, anti-American congressmen and women.

As I wrote in my last article, I identified these individuals by name (taken directly from the DSA documents) in order for Americans to target with their votes. I also point out that these Anti-American politicians, who took an oath of office to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States are in breach of their promise and therefore should be impeached, if not voted out of office for this serious dereliction to their promise.

I will again, below, show these Socialists infiltrators and will highlight that not only have they been re-elected despite the “conservative” wave of voters against the socialist agenda, but have done so by huge vote margins. I provided each name with an imbedded link that will show their voting records, affiliations, speeches and most importantly – their endorsements. These endorsements are from the usual “leftist” organizations (i.e., AFL-CIO, Planned Parenthood, NEA, Brady anti-gun lobby, Sierra Club, etc) that span the entire group of 70 almost uniformly. The ones that lost re-election (4 – Alan Grayson, John Hall, Phil Hare & Carolyn Kilpatrick) curiously did not have a single endorsement from the usual organizations list above, not one.

When you take into consideration the lopsided margin of victory that these socialist enjoyed on Election Day and the fact that as a whole Conservatives routed the Democrats it makes one wonder how the hardcore socialists seemed to be the only Democrats to survive?

The answer, in my humble opinion can only be one of two reasons (or both):

1) There are pockets, or enclaves so to speak, around the country that have communists and socialists in big numbers that concentrated in populated urban areas, and or

2) The Hard Left has completed their “high-jacking” of the Democrat party and allowed those they consider to not “socialist enough”, or “too moderate” to be purged from power leaving a core socialist contingency in place.

When you consider that the House of Representatives is now down to 187 remaining Democrats (with 9 seats still undecided) it is abundantly clear that nearly 50% of those who survived have openly declared to be Socialists.

One of the hardest hit caucuses that lost in big numbers were the “moderate” Blue Dog Democrats.

The Blue Dogs proved to be troublesome early on with the Obama agenda in various stages of putting his policies in place.

It appears that the heavy lifting that has yet to happen needs to inclusive of exposure of this insidious Marxist organization that has it roots firmly in place in our political system and elsewhere. We need to keep the pressure on and inform the American public that they are there, in direct contradiction to the Constitution of the United States in which they (65 Socialist Democrats) took an oath to uphold and defend.

One last “honorable mention” for those who consider themselves “birthers” – Neil Ambercrombie (D-HI) who is one of the names mentioned in the DSA document resigned his House position in March 2010 to run for and win the Hawaii Governorship. Any hope that the birthers had in any form of cooperation with obtaining the Birth records of Barack Hussein Obama just go a little thinner.

You decide after researching each member list below through the provided link. One further mention about the “endorsements” that are not listed on these links is that AARP has endorsed virtually every one of them:

DCA Member -%age of votes

Hon. Ed Pastor (AZ-04),  65.5

Hon. Xavier Becerra (CA-31), 84.1

Hon. Sam Farr (CA-17),  66.3

Hon. Bob Filner (CA-51),  59.7

Hon. Michael Honda (CA-15),  66.5

Hon. Barbara Lee (CA-09),  83.4

Hon. George Miller (CA-07),  67.3

Hon. Laura Richardson (CA-37) , 69.1

Hon. Lucille Roybal-Allard (CA-34),  77.4

Hon. Linda Sánchez (CA-47),  51

Hon. Pete Stark (CA-13),  71.5

Hon. Maxine Waters (CA-35),  79.4

Hon. Henry Waxman (CA-30),  64.4

Hon. Rosa DeLauro (CT-03),  64.9

Hon. Eleanor Holmes-Norton (DC-AL)

Hon. Corrine Brown (FL-03),  62.7

Hon. Alan Grayson (FL-08) Lost

Hon. Robert Wexler (FL-19) Resigned Jan 2010

Hon. Hank Johnson (GA-04),  74.6

Hon. John Lewis (GA-05),  73.7

Hon. Madeleine Bordallo (GU-AL)

Hon. Neil Abercrombie (HI-01) Resigned Mar 10

Hon. David Loebsack (IA-02),  51

Hon. Danny Davis (IL-07),  81.4

Hon. Luis Gutierrez (IL-04),  77.3

Hon. Phil Hare (IL-17) Lost

Hon. Jesse Jackson, Jr. (IL-02),  80.5

Hon. Bobby Rush (IL-01),  80.2

Hon. Jan Schakowsky (IL-09),  66.2

Hon. André Carson (IN-07),  58.9

Hon. Michael Capuano (MA-08) Uncontested

Hon. Barney Frank (MA-04),  53.9

Hon. Ed Markey (MA-07),  65.9

Hon. James McGovern (MA-03),  56.5

Hon. John Olver (MA-01),  60.1

Hon. John Tierney (MA-06),  56.9

Hon. Elijah Cummings (MD-07),  75

Rep. Donna F. Edwards (MD-04),  83.6

Hon. Chellie Pingree (ME-01),  56.8

Hon. John Conyers (MI-14),  76.7

Hon. Carolyn Kilpatrick (MI-13) Lost

Hon. Keith Ellison (MN-05), 67.8

Hon. William “Lacy” Clay (MO-01),  73.5

Hon. Emanuel Cleaver (MO-05),  53.1

Hon. Bennie Thompson (MS-02),  61.8

Hon. Mel Watt (NC-12),  63.8

Hon. Donald Payne (NJ-10),  85.4

Hon. Ben R. Lujan (NM-3),  56.8

Hon. Yvette Clarke (NY-11),  90.3

Hon. John Hall (NY-19) Lost

Hon. Maurice Hinchey (NY-22),  52.4

Hon. Carolyn Maloney (NY-14),  74.9

Hon. Jerrold Nadler (NY-08),  75

Hon. Charles Rangel (NY-15),  79.9

Hon. José Serrano (NY-16),  95.4

Hon. Louise Slaughter (NY-28),  65.2

Hon. Nydia Velazquez (NY-12),  92.9

Hon. Marcia L. Fudge (OH-11),  82.5

Hon. Marcy Kaptur (OH-09),  59

Hon. Peter DeFazio (OR-04),  53.6

Hon. Robert Brady (PA-01) uncontested

Hon. Chaka Fattah (PA-02),  89.3

Hon. Steve Cohen (TN-09),  74

Hon. Eddie Bernice Johnson (TX-30),  75.8

Hon. Donna Christensen (VI-AL)

Hon. Peter Welch (VT-AL), 64.5

Hon. Jim McDermott (WA-07),  81.5

Hon. Tammy Baldwin (WI-02),  66.7

Hon. Gwen Moore (WI-04), 69.1

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Now HEAR this, or risk your political career!

For the last 18 months the Main Stream Media and the ruling political elites on both sides of the isle have ignored you, slandered you and looked down their noses at you to tell you that you are just stupid and ignorant. While they were forcing their will upon you they too were trying, to the best of their ability, to silence those few news agencies that lent a voice to those feelings of despair.

In two short days those who have behaved in the manner described above are about to be replaced (hopefully) with new and fresh faces that have heard our voices, listened to our concerns and have declared to be our allies in sweeping aside the politics as usual. They have pledged to start the hard work to dismantle those policies and force fed legislative deeds that you have been screaming about.

The GOP leadership appears to be riding the benefits of this grassroots tidal wave but early indicators are that they do not fully grasp the gift being handed to them. This is borne out by the fact that they are trying to staff “newbies” with their own people in order to keep out those that the “newbies” intend to bring with them (i.e., tea party supporters).

Before any election results are tabulated, the MSM and the alternative media as well as members of both parties have predicted that the House will change hands and there is a chance of the Senate majority changing as well. Some are predicting a landslide while others are more conservative in their estimates. But one thing is assured – Nanci Pelosi will be handing over her gavel to a Republican majority come January.

The other consensus is this “change” of leadership will probably be historic on many fronts in the sheer number of seats being lost by incumbents on both sides. Throughout the last 18 months I have been anything but conservative in my estimates about this tidal wave of change. I have always had faith in Americans to resist this socialism and soft despotism that has gripped our nation’s capital. We are, after all, Americans first and a political party second.

The narrative from the White House has been that when this change occurs, Americans will see that the Republicans will not be able to deliver on their promises. Obama made this prediction because he still holds the powerful pen of veto. Shortly after this proclamation some powerful Republicans have made statements that Republicans are going to have to find a way to work with Obama to get things done. This is political suicide.

Obviously, these RINO’s either don’t understand the earthquake that has caused the tidal wave that is about to deluge Washington DC, or they are ignoring it. This misunderstanding or ignorance is exactly what caused the Democrats to lose their power and the GOP had better get with the program quick or risk peril to their own political futures.

Finally, here is my prediction to what will occur after a massive change of deck chairs in both the House and Senate.

1) Those who survive the initial onslaught will be startled by the sheer power of the American public’s demands for the first time as they will be reminded of “our” agenda everyday they come to work to do our business because they will be staring at new faces everywhere.

2) Taking the lead from prediction number one, those who remain seated will privately think twice about anything that resembles support for any of the unpopular programs and will most likely lead to an unprecedented era of bi-partisan support led by the newbies.

3) The newfound bi-partisan support will extend to actual over-riding of Presidential vetoes. The people will demand it, and if our elected leaders falter for just a moment they will be swept aside in the next election cycle.

While all of this historic, ground up change of power shines its light on the benefits of a true democracy and the world will take notice. Sure we will hear from the leftist tabloids in England, Germany and France of how stupid we are as a nation but there is one thing that they don’t understand either (as elites) – Tea Parties are springing up all over the globe as more and more see that people do have a say about their own lives and don’t have to be led like sheep anymore. Once again America will take her place as the leader of the free world.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Lying, the Witch and the Wardrobe

The Delaware Senate candidates are now set to square off against each other. On the side of the Democrats you have Chris Coons (the Liar) and on the Conservative side (notice I didn’t say Republican) is Christine O’Donnell (the Witch). Then, on the sidelines doing their very best to amplify O’Donnell’s witchy side while downplaying the Marxist side of Coons is CNN (the Wardrobe).
There is a lot to be gleaned from the Tea Party and more importantly the Glenn Beck march on the National Mall. From the start, with the rise of the Tea Party and the Americans that come from everyday life that comprise it, there has been an underlying fear that Socialism has come into America through the back door and is now an imminent threat to the fabric of what has made our country the shining beacon of freedom throughout the world.
CNN has taken the front position on the Coons story when Sean Hannity divulged that Coons was considered “the bearded Marxist” while in college. They stepped in to give Coons political cover to downplay his Marxist roots and beliefs as “a college prank” or “joking nickname” given to him by his fellow dorm buddies.
CNN has a president in providing Marxist cover when they did so with Obama throughout his career and culminating with his Presidency. The right wing talk show circuit warned us about Obama’s true roots, all of which have rung true to form. Well, the American people who love the Constitution, America and her long history have decided that it is time for a witch hunt of our own. No longer are regular Americans sitting on the side lines. They are rising up, getting active politically and connecting with the “main stream” to throw the Socialists, Communists and hippy throwbacks out on their collective asses.
This resurgence of McCarthyism is taking shape in our time, not by a single individual such as it was with Eugene McCarthy, but by millions of individuals armed with their voices and more importantly, with their votes. Where a single man tread in the 50’s to uproot this scourge from America, Americans are now foisting this banner and taking to the streets in peaceful yet powerful protest of the creeping incrementalism of socialist infiltration of our political landscape.
No longer can the liberal socialist elites and so called moderate RINO Republican ignore “flyover” country as isolated voting blocks taking a back seat to coastal liberal bastions because it is “flyover” and “coastal” silent majorities coming to life rejecting this anti-American dogma that has festered within the halls of the political power houses.
The spirit of America has allowed socialists, communists and anti-Americanism to flourish mainly because we are a free society to worship and think individually. It has allowed Socialists to even gain political office when in fact the oath of office they take to uphold and defend the Constitution is abridged by their very beliefs thereby making their oaths nothing more than lip service. This fact alone is enough to impeach them as unfit for office for failing to uphold this sacred oath. It is this sacred Constitution and its meaning that is behind this Tea Party movement.
The march on Washington by those who answered the clarion call to freedom can no longer be ignored as they were when the last time they held court in Washington, DC when Obama was flying out the back door of the White House while simultaneously saying “what, nothing going on here” mentality. The socialists and RINO’s have tried everything in the book to diminish the power of the people by ignoring, deriding, labeling and then finally, ostracizing us radical and dangerous.
Failing to achieve any measure of success in squashing this movement of grass root Americanism they changed their tactics to hold their own march on Washington called “One Nation” rally. They meant to show us that they too can have a powerful and large rally. There were two things that happened as a result.
First, we found that their event was sponsored by over 400 different labor unions, community organizing groups as well as socialists, communists and anti-American groups. They trotted out their “old bones” as their dignitary speakers such as “Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson” to spew the same ol same ol about racism of the other side (us). The contrast here is the Glenn Beck rally was attended by Americans who drove themselves to the rally in their own vehicles, on their own dime and time to attend. They did not rely on special interests to pay for their transportation, lodging, meals and freebie t-shirts to attend. We did so because WE demand to be heard over the din of astro-turf voices and collective MSM covering for socialist agenda’s.
Second, the socialists that put this rally together think that they can sway the majority of Americans that we are wrong and backward thinking. That we are not progressive enough to understand that we need to be told how to think, act and submit to another radically different form of governing that is alien and contrary to our beloved Constitution. The socialists still to get it, we are all Eugene McCarthy now and we want this socialist and communist scourge uprooted from our leadership and replaced with likeminded Americans who want smaller government, less taxes and individual freedom that includes morals and family values. If this is radical, then call us that if you wish but do so at your political peril.
Finally, the Delaware Senate race has a Marxist (Coons) that will not enjoy a voter celebrations come November because the daughter of Bozo the Clown and one time dabbler of Wicca will be put into office by We The People endorsed by Sarah Palin and the Tea Party.
This is only the beginning because there are also self avowed socialists who currently hold office (their names below as release by the American Socialist Party (DSA) recently) that will be removed from office as unfit to uphold American Constitutional values as required by their oaths of office:
Hon. Neil Abercrombie (HI-01)
Hon. Tammy Baldwin (WI-02)
Hon. Xavier Becerra (CA-31)
Hon. Madeleine Bordallo (GU-AL)
Hon. Robert Brady (PA-01)
Hon. Corrine Brown (FL-03)
Hon. Michael Capuano (MA-08)
Hon. André Carson (IN-07)
Hon. Donna Christensen (VI-AL)
Hon. Yvette Clarke (NY-11)
Hon. William “Lacy” Clay (MO-01)
Hon. Emanuel Cleaver (MO-05)
Hon. Steve Cohen (TN-09)
Hon. John Conyers (MI-14)
Hon. Elijah Cummings (MD-07)
Hon. Danny Davis (IL-07)
Hon. Peter DeFazio (OR-04)
Hon. Rosa DeLauro (CT-03)
Rep. Donna F. Edwards (MD-04)
Hon. Keith Ellison (MN-05)
Hon. Sam Farr (CA-17)
Hon. Chaka Fattah (PA-02)
Hon. Bob Filner (CA-51)
Hon. Barney Frank (MA-04)
Hon. Marcia L. Fudge (OH-11)
Hon. Alan Grayson (FL-08)
Hon. Luis Gutierrez (IL-04)
Hon. John Hall (NY-19)
Hon. Phil Hare (IL-17)
Hon. Maurice Hinchey (NY-22)
Hon. Michael Honda (CA-15)
Hon. Jesse Jackson, Jr. (IL-02)
Hon. Eddie Bernice Johnson (TX-30)
Hon. Hank Johnson (GA-04)
Hon. Marcy Kaptur (OH-09)
Hon. Carolyn Kilpatrick (MI-13)
Hon. Barbara Lee (CA-09)
Hon. John Lewis (GA-05)
Hon. David Loebsack (IA-02)
Hon. Ben R. Lujan (NM-3)
Hon. Carolyn Maloney (NY-14)
Hon. Ed Markey (MA-07)
Hon. Jim McDermott (WA-07)
Hon. James McGovern (MA-03)
Hon. George Miller (CA-07)
Hon. Gwen Moore (WI-04)
Hon. Jerrold Nadler (NY-08)
Hon. Eleanor Holmes-Norton (DC-AL)
Hon. John Olver (MA-01)
Hon. Ed Pastor (AZ-04)
Hon. Donald Payne (NJ-10)
Hon. Chellie Pingree (ME-01)
Hon. Charles Rangel (NY-15)
Hon. Laura Richardson (CA-37)
Hon. Lucille Roybal-Allard (CA-34)
Hon. Bobby Rush (IL-01)
Hon. Linda Sánchez (CA-47)
Hon. Jan Schakowsky (IL-09)
Hon. José Serrano (NY-16)
Hon. Louise Slaughter (NY-28)
Hon. Pete Stark (CA-13)
Hon. Bennie Thompson (MS-02)
Hon. John Tierney (MA-06)
Hon. Nydia Velazquez (NY-12)
Hon. Maxine Waters (CA-35)
Hon. Mel Watt (NC-12)
Hon. Henry Waxman (CA-30)
Hon. Peter Welch (VT-AL)
Hon. Robert Wexler (FL-19)
These are the collective faces of the enemy of America’s Constitution who by the very nature of their socialist beliefs and ideology make them incapable of upholding and defending the Constitution as it runs contrary to them.
Of the politicians noted above who are “DSA” members – eleven of the seventy sit on the Judiciary Committee.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

It's not just New Yorks decision anymore -- 9/11 saw to that!

The overty PC New York Leadership from the lowly mayor to the highest Senator have decided for the rest of America in sending the most egregious appeasement message of all.  In approving the Mosque in NY City within shouting distance of those who jumped to their deaths from the highest floors of those two buildings, the elites have defiled the memory of the innocents.  It's not just a matter of religious freedom because there are numerous Mosques in the city.  The proof lies in the pudding because almost 10 years after the most horrific terror attack on US soil there is still no building or memorial standing where the towers once stood.  Yet, the Islamic world can get past all the red tape of NY City Government and erect a building in record time, if given the chance.

When you view the video below, it is meant to shock you back into reality and hopefully you will find your voice to object in the strongest terms, this travesty.

God Bless those who died that day:

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Gay Judge, Gay Town and Gay results!

Californians must really be getting pissed off by now that once again the electorate has voted down gay marriage only to have elected bureaucrats and activist judges overturn the will of the people.

When the case wound it’s way to this particular judge (notice I use a small “j”) it was noted that he was himself “gay” and his courtroom in San Francisco. I know, I know I am using a lot of generalities here, but come-on now I think I can recognize conflict of interest when I see it. Those on the left bleated that his being gay had nothing to do with it.

So a single gay judge who presides over legal cases held in San Francisco is not biased – “poppy-cock”!

Either way this case was decided it is destined to be heard by the US Supreme Court anyway, but the more that these elites defy the will of the land the angrier we get. I can only assume that NAMBLA, Code Pink and Barney Frank are celebrating tonight over at Gavin Newsome’s digs.

Here’s to hoping it is a short celebration because in the end it will be a massive group of "one man-one woman" getting their wishes in the end -- saving traditional marraige.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Judicial Sanctioned Anarchy

Democrat judges find ways to break precedent settled law!

We have heard the arguments and have seen first hand many instances that this Administration has sidestepped, flaunted or wholly ignored the law in so many areas that it is getting harder and harder to remember them all.

Some of these examples are, at least troubling and at worst dangerous. Taking a stroll down memory lane I am compelled to remind the readers that the single item on Obama’s resume for President that he touted gave him the requisite experience to hold his lofty office was his “community organizing”. I have written ad nauseam about this experience with ACORN and motor voting laws. I have delved into the organization and their tactics of intimidation with banks where they have stormed offices and private homes of these institutions executives in order to “hold hostage” the policies that eventually led to the financial meltdown of the mortgage industry.

We are now seeing these tactics being employed across the entire spectrum of the free market, states rights and this time with the full force and resources of the Federal Government.

For instance – The Obama Administration defrauded the bond holders of GM when he took over the auto maker instead of allowing them to go through re-organization in Bankruptcy court to save Union pensions and possibly some jobs. Was this Quid pro quo for the massive campaign support and finance of the Unions? In the process, those who invested in Bonds for their retirement plans got the shaft that they would have been protected from if the company would have sought protection under Bankruptcy laws. It wasn’t greedy executives that lost their money in the nationalization, it was mom and pops and individuals who invested in these bonds. To be fair, the GM bailout did start under the Bush Administration but it was Obama that took it to the extreme.

Then we have another example when Democrats in Congress brought the executives from AIG to explain those pesky bonuses (that the Democrats placed into the bailout bill themselves). They wanted these executives to name those who were receiving these legally protected bonuses so their ACORN buddies could go into full guerilla warfare mode against (which they actually did when they bussed in activists to the personal homes of the executives). To make matters worse, Congress enacted legislation that targeted individuals who received bonuses with draconian taxes to take away the money. Using the IRS to target individuals is unfair as well as illegal.

Now we have the mother of all judicial anarchy where the DOJ has targeted the legislation of Arizona to put an end to their self defense of illegal immigrant overrunning their state and killing their citizens. While Eric Holder and the DOJ dismiss the New Black Panther case (that was won) they target Arizona to stop enforcement of Federal and State laws.

In addition, we now find that there is a “secret memo” that has been uncovered where the Federal Government is intending to direct all Federal agencies that are involved in the identification, apprehension and deportation of illegal immigrants to “stand down”, let slide and look the other way in enforcing these laws. The Administrations answer to Congressional failure to enact amnesty in the manner in which Democrats want is for the 20 million illegal immigrants to aid them in the upcoming elections.

What is distressing is the DOJ and Eric Holder. In an article recently penned by Rich Lowry titled “The hilarious Arizona ruling” points out the length in which the Judiciary is trying to force the ruling in such a way as to support the Governments position.

For instance:

“Judge Bolton piles speculation atop implausible readings of the law. Say a legal alien is arrested and his release is delayed by a check on his status. Let’s put aside (as Judge Bolton does) that on average it takes the staff manning the federal database set up for such checks 70 minutes to get to an inquiry and a mere 11 minutes to answer it. Judge Bolton declares that any delay amounts to exposing legal aliens to “the possibility of inquisitorial practices and police surveillance.”

”This is a tautology dressed up with scare words. It’s impossible as a matter of definition to get arrested without experiencing “police surveillance.” As for “inquisitorial practices,” blogger William A. Jacobson notes that “states already routinely run searches for a variety of statuses, including outstanding warrants, child support orders and non-immigration identity checks. Each of these checks potentially could delay release of an innocent person.”

“If the state finds too many suspected illegal immigrants, it might overburden the system. Let’s put aside (as Judge Bolton does) that the system already gets 1 million inquiries a year, that it has a theoretical capacity to process 1.5 million and that, as of now, Arizona only makes 80,000 inquiries annually, meaning even a drastic increase could be accommodated. If the federal government fears a surge from Arizona, couldn’t it add some positions to the 153 staffers currently assigned to the database? Think of it as stimulus.”

The Federal Government has now gone after individuals (targeted tax penalties) and now the States for attempting to stem the flow of dangerous individuals who are running amok in the “wild west” of Arizona. So much so that “boot hill” is in the appropriate geographical location. When Arizona stands against tyranny it emboldens other border states to follow suit. Texas is already considering a law similar to Arizona’s and we find out yesterday that Virginia’s Attorney General has ruled that police in that state can start checking the immigration status of suspected illegal aliens. Once this “spigot” is opened then the Federal Government will have to expand their targeted attacks on a wider spectrum of States. I say, bring it on……

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Blue Man Group stand aside, her comes the "Pink Glove" group!

Sit Down, and prepair to enjoy battling cancer!  In the infamous words of Lynyrd Skynard "TURN IT UP"!

Rangle asks for "more time"!

Now that the investigation portion of this dispicable character has finally wormed its way to a conclusion after years of footdragging and delay tactics by those on the left who claimed to have opened a new chapter in political ethics in Washington Rangle is set to go to trial.  We must not forget those who have repeatedly come forward to protect his political backside and have given him a pass in order for him to remain the "Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee" -- namely Nanci Pelosi.

Now that all the delay is over and he stands naked in front of a "softcore" media establishment, Rangle is asking for more time.  I say that we should give him more time -- more time behind bars.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Will Arizona become the “new Alamo?”

Governor Jan Brewer the new Commander in Chief!

In an interesting argument, Arizona is on firm “war footing” if the State wishes to engage in War with Mexico. What? Wait just a minute – hear me out.

U.S. Constitution - Article 1 Section 10 (Read Clause 3)

No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility.

No State shall, without the Consent of the Congress, lay any Imposts or Duties on Imports or Exports, except what may be absolutely necessary for executing it's inspection Laws: and the net Produce of all Duties and Imposts, laid by any State on Imports or Exports, shall be for the Use of the Treasury of the United States; and all such Laws shall be subject to the Revision and Controul of the Congress.

No State shall, without the Consent of Congress, lay any duty of Tonnage, keep Troops, or Ships of War in time of Peace, enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State, or with a foreign Power, or engage in War, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay.

In March 2010 a prominent Arizona rancher was murdered on his property. At the time of his killing authorities found (the day before) 290 pounds of marijuana on his property and tracked footprints back to 8 illegal immigrants and arrested them. According to Fox News –  “Giffords said if Krentz's killing is connected to drug cartels or smugglers, the federal government must respond appropriately.

"All options should be on the table, including sending more Border Patrol agents to the area and deploying the National Guard," Giffords said.

Arizona Attorney General Terry Goddard said government has a clear responsibility to aid law enforcement resources at all levels along the border.

"I call on our federal and state governments to work together to bolster the law enforcement resources needed to better protect Arizonans living on the border," Goddard said.

Meanwhile, Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer joined U.S. Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., in calling for federal officials to send more National Guard troops to the Mexican border.”

That was in March and this week Obama sent a token order to send 1,200 National Guard to the border and only half of which will go to Arizona.

In April 2010 a Pinal County Deputy Sheriff was shot and wounded by fire from an illegal drug smuggler with an AK-47. According to AZ Family news – “According to Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu, Puroll had been following a group of five men who were transporting drugs. One of the suspects allegedly hid while the others moved on, and Puroll continued to follow the group. Around 4:00 p.m. the suspect ambushed Puroll and shot at him, grazing his left side above his abdomen.

"They've become more aggressive," Babeu said, referring to the ambush. "They're always armed, but we've never had this happen."

US Federal Government authorities have failed to address the problem on every level and in most cases refuse to do so. It is even more distressing that the Mexican Government is aiding and abetting the invasion of their nationals into our sovereign (I use this term loosely) nation. In June 2010, Mexico opened a satellite “Consular” office on the Island of Catalina to specifically issue illegal invaders “matricular ID Cards”. According to the Washington Examiner “The Mexican government is opening a satellite consular office on Catalina Island -- a small resort off the California coast with a history of drug smuggling and human trafficking -- to provide the island's illegal Mexican immigrants with identification cards, The Washington Examiner has learned.

The Mexican consular office in Los Angeles issued a flier, a copy of which was obtained by The Examiner, listing the Catalina Island Country Club as the location of its satellite office. It invites Mexicans to visit the office to obtain the identification, called matricular cards, by appointment.”

"Handing out matricular cards to Mexicans who are not in this country legally is wrong no matter where it's done," he said. "But on Catalina it will do more damage. It's a small island but there's evidence it's being used as a portal for illegals to access mainland California."

So, as Eric Holder and the US Dept. of Justice sue the State of Arizona to scrap the new law they should take into consideration that Arizona is on sound Constitutional footing in declaring war on Mexico (as a State) and deploying troops to combat the armed and dangerous invaders to our southern border.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Compulsory Education & Compulsory Gun Control

What keeps Liberals up at night?

Public Schooling is not about education and Gun Control is not about curtailing crime –

It is about controlling the message and the masses. I found that a more apt description of Public Schools is the moniker “Public Hatcheries” as progressives seek to take and mold young minds in the ways of “Saul Alinsky” and “Homosexuality”.

On many fronts in the area of education there is a focused and concerted attack by progressives. These attacks are focused on home-schooling, sex-ed, vouchers and charter schools and come from powerful Unions, Main Stream Media outlets, professors from the ivory halls of collegiate education as well as non-profits and NGO’s.

The venom that these individuals and the organizations they come from are very explicit in making their beliefs more mainstream as the former “veil” is lowered now that they are more emboldened. For instance:

“The husbands and wives in these families feel themselves to be under a religious compulsion to have large families, a homebound and submissive wife and mother who is responsible for the schooling of the children, and only one breadwinner. These families are not living in romantic, rural, self-sufficient farmhouses; they are in trailer parks, 1,000-square-foot homes, houses owned by relatives, and some, on tarps in fields or parking lots. Their lack of job skills, passed from one generation to the next, depresses the community’s overall economic health and their state’s tax base.” – Robin West, Professor – Georgetown University

It gets better (or worse if you are a parent):

“Parents in many states have full authority, free of all state oversight, to determine the content of their children’s education,” a situation almost as unendurable as life in a 1,000-square-foot house. Professor West writes longingly of the golden age when practically all education was conducted under the tutelage of the state and opting out of the system was forbidden — and “parents who did so were criminals.”

This attitude that the State should be the sole practitioner in what your own children are taught is typical of the venom and statist dogma the liberals have, for so long now, gone unchecked.

Likewise, the gun control advocates who have been so busy trying to wrest our guns from our hands have their minions in full force ridiculing the recent Supreme Court Decisions (Heller & McDonald) that the right to bear arms extends to us, well, little people who don’t know any better.

For instance, The Washington Post headline that screamed “The Supreme Court Gun Decision Moves Us toward Anarchy” by David Ignatius. Mr. Ignatius had this to say:

“My biggest worry with Monday’s Supreme Court decision is that by ruling, in effect, that every American can apply for a gun license, the justices will make gun ownership much more pervasive in a society that already has too many guns. After all, if I know that my neighbor is armed and preparing for Armageddon situations where law and order break down (as so many are — just read the right-wing blogs) then I have to think about protecting my family, too. That’s the state-of-nature, everyone for himself logic that prevails in places such as Lebanon, Iraq and Afghanistan.”

Here the writer is overtly concerned about those who possess guns “legally”, who go through the proper procedures in applying for a license as pervasive and dangerous. He couldn’t help himself in bashing the “right-wing” blogs either but again there is truth hidden between his lines of vitriol. If the “right wing” blogs are so overtly concerned about the break down of law and order, or in his words Armageddon situations then he must be concerned enough to think about arming himself too. If he is so concerned about protecting himself and his family against law abiding citizens, then why not against criminals who would do harm to his family?

It is all about control and power. Rush Limbaugh said it eloquently when he said that conservatives (those who favor education alternatives to state run indoctrination and adherence to the US Constitution) are the “Party of NO as well as the Party of KNOW”!

If you have knowledge (other than that the State feeds you) and you are also adequately armed then the grassroots are a danger to their quest for total domination.

Another example of this power grab against the grassroots was the speech Michele Obama gave just prior to the Obama’s vacation in Maine about childhood obesity and her comment that dessert is not a right, yet the first image we saw of Obama in Maine was of him gobbling down an ice cream cone. I guess he didn’t get the message or maybe it was just that he is better than the rest of us. It started with Trans fat and the outlawing of fast food restaurants in certain cities to the attempt to ban salt and now sugar. To even consider that the State in essence is criminalizing eating of food the most oppressive power grab yet. It only gets worse unless of course you are on you way home from a home schooling session and decided to stop at McDonalds packing your 357, then you have a fighting chance.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

A DemoKKKrat history lesson!

When the racists call others racist!

Here is a brief history lesson about racism in the United States and its progression through time thanks to Michael Zak:

1) the Ku Klux Klan was established by the Democratic Party

a. the Republican Party and a Republican President, Ulysses Grant, destroyed the KKK with their Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871.

2) The Ku Klux Klan was reborn in the early 20th century by Democrat President Woodrow Wilson with the movie premier (held in the White House) of “The Birth of a Nation”.

3) The KKK so dominated the 1924 Democratic Convention that Republicans, speaking truth to power, called it the Klanbake!

4) In the 1930s, a Democrat President, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, appointed a Klansman, Senator Hugo Black (D-AL), to the U.S. Supreme Court.

5) The notorious police commissioner Bull Conner, who attacked African-Americans with dogs and clubs and fire hoses, was both a Klansman and the Democratic Party’s National Committeeman for Alabama.

6) Starting in the 1980s, the Democratic Party elevated a recruiter for the Ku Klux Klan, Senator Robert Byrd (D-WV), to third-in-line for the presidency.

The former Grand Dragon of the KKK, Byrd was rewarded by becoming the longest serving US Senator in US history. His death also ushered another record in the history books when his body was placed in the Senate Chambers to lie in state. This has never before occurred with any Senator.

So, when the NAACP, Democrats and socialists say that Republicans and the Tea Party movement, who align themselves with American principles – racist, they are trying to rewrite history to elude their guilt for standing with those who are – racist…..

Thursday, July 15, 2010

2010 - Year of the "Pro-Life" women

We have been treated to the recent polling data that has a remarkable amount of women candidates who are running for office in 2010 at every level of politics.  The most famous of which is Carly Fiorina who is taking on the Abortion queen herself, Barbara Boxer in the California Senate race.  Another Pro-Life woman is leading another abortion friendly Senator in the State of Nevada in which candidate Sharon Angle is ahead of Obama's favorite lap dog, Harry Reid.

The resurgence in life respecting women are a welcomed trend, but more so when they directly take out a pro-abortion incumbent.  All of this redefining "feminism" to include the choice of life is ultimately leading to the most famous of Pro-life women of late -- Sarah Palin who has yet to decide if she will run for President in 2012......

Justice partially served, but justice all the same!

Today, in a New York Courtroom a Judge has increased the jail time for the traitorous, jihad loving leftist lawyer Lynne Stewart to a term of 10 years (the prosecution sought 15) which was an increase to the paultry 28 month sentence she received in her 2005 trial.  Now, maybe she will die behind bars instead of the comfort of her American bed in her American home which she sold to the blind Islamic Terror leader who was convicted of the bombing of the twin towers during the Clinton years.

She bears a striking resemblance to Elena Kagan, dost she not?

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Obama and the Titanic!

The ship of State is taking on water!

I posted an article the other day marveling at the recent news conference held by the White House Spokesman (Baghdad Bob Gibbs) when he, for the first time, told the truth.

The truth he told was that the House of Representatives were in trouble and that the Democrats would lose their majority. Of course it did not take long for Obama to scold him (for truth telling) and to counter his message with the “he misspoke” one.

Today, when perusing the headlines my attention focused on a Financial Times article titled “Obama facing growing credibility crisis”. I have learned long ago to pay attention to “key words” in article titles and in the body of the text of them as the MSM has a way of using certain verbiage to diminish (or amplify) twist bad news (or good) to lend their political hand to this Administration.

For instance, when the MSM has to report “bad” employment figures it does so preceding the bad news with a word like “unexpected” or “unforeseen” to make it appear to be an anomaly versus real world reality, like those who are actually standing in the unemployment line experience.

The title of the article is another example of this helping hand lent by the MSM. Though the title is actually factual as it is supported by polling data, but the article makes it appear to be a recent development when in fact Obama (and the public) has seen his polling data continue to fall since his inauguration. It is as though the magic number (40% approve) is the start of the credibility crisis. When 60% of Americans disprove of the job, or credibility of his Presidency then I think the magic number that should have triggered this article is (49%) approve.

The article is replete with the distaste for the truth. For instance, a snipet taken from it says:

“Add to that the continuing woes of Harry Reid, the Senate Democratic majority leader, in Nevada, where the Republican party’s recent nomination of Sharron Angle, a far-right and highly eccentric Tea Party supporter, appear to have had no positive effect on Mr Reid’s prospects, and the Grand Old party has a good shot at taking control of both houses of Congress. Worse for Mr Obama, political scientists say that at this stage in the calendar, there is almost nothing he can do about it.”

Here the author paints Sharron Angle as “a far right and eccentric Tea Party supporter” and the Republicans as the “Grand Old Party” and the use of these labels in describing the candidate and the party as “out of the mainstream (eccentric) and outdated (Grand “Old” party) are far too obvious.

Another example in this article is the following:

“Astonishingly, 55 per cent of citizens think Mr Obama is a “socialist” against only 39 per cent who do not share that diagnosis. The same poll shows 48 per cent support for Republicans against just 42 per cent for Democrats. The numbers are eerily similar to 2006, except that it was George W. Bush’s Republicans who were on the receiving end four years ago.”

The use of the word “Astonishingly” is laughable. When did the media stop doing their jobs? Any third grade student recognizes “socialism” when they see it and Obama fits that bill perfectly in spite of the MSM’s non reporting of it.

Since taking off, Mr. Obama has socialized Medicine, Banks and Financial Institutions, Education and other aspects of the “free market system” in the name of crisis. To say it is “astonishing” is journalist malpractice at its core.

The reason why this administration has failed the economic, jobs and quite frankly public opinion is because he IS a socialist and more accurate is the fact his administration is filled with like minded un-American, anti free-market and anti-business people who hail from Unions, Universities and Community Organizer groups who have historically opposed the American Way.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Townhall erupts in disgust over Congressman feigning ignorance on Black Panther dismissal!

I guess that since the Tea Party crowd is again being labelled as racist by the NAACP and Michelle Obama calling for blacks to "bring it up a notch" against the tea party this Congressman from California should have felt his answer would just slide on by without recrimination.  The woman at the microphone had the issue framed correctly, which again shows that the constituents are on top of issues that the MSM is failing to report.  It is a pleasure to see this idiot get blasted, he should have......

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Where is Osama Bin Laden?

This is a question that the Democrats (in time for the elections) have been pumelling the Republicans (and of course GW Bush).  I think it time we ask the very same question this time directed at the Democrats (before and in time for the November mid term elections).

So Democrats - you have had control of the House and Senate since 2006 (for those Democrats who are math challeged it is 4+ years) and the White House since 2008 (again for the math challenged 1+ years) and what, no Bin Laden? 

You have offered everything to the extreme Muslim Community up to and including NASA and the carrots aren't working?  Maybe you can offer him a primetime MSMBC slot alongside Oberman & Mathews so he can get his message across easier than the cave system he has occupied for the last 9+ years.  Hopefully, once you have signed an executive order allowing amnesty for illegals, it will finally allow him to enter this country free and unfettered to get his message of peace and love out to an adoring, albeit minority of Americans like the New Black Panthers who have applauded him.

New Black Panther Party press conference

It was the racist George Bush and John McCain that prompted their call to intimidate voters and end up on the butt end of a Federal Civil Rights lawsuit, but it was the Black Eric Holder (their words not mine) that came to their rescue.  When will the jihaidst radical warrior wannabe's of the left ever learn that their words of celebration and in your face rhetoric will come back to bite you.....

The legal case is nowhere near being filed away in the dusty drawers of some Federal Courthouse basement.  The political fallout of a racial politicized dismissal and a two tiered Justice Department that will only uphold Federal Civil Rights laws when the offenders are White against Black is only beginning.  When the Justice Department dropped the case the Justice Department made erroneous and factually incorrect statements, on the record, about how high this decision went because we now now Holder and Obama were briefed. 

The uproar is only beginning to gain momentum in spite of the MSM non-reporting the issue.

Update:  If you need to see the true nature of this "terrorist organization" called the New Black Panther Party that the Holder, Obama Administration is attempting to roam free to intimidate and wage their own jihad, just look at the same individual (Shabazz) in 2002.  Remember that 9/11 occurred less than 1 year prior to this video clip:

Monday, July 5, 2010

Happy Fourth of July - relfection after the article!

Ooh, socialist donuts!

Yesterday, I posted this article found in the Canadian on-line news site “The Globe”. I was so profoundly disgusted by this “revered and highly awarded” individual’s venomous take on America that I wanted everyone to read it for what it was – delusional.

The old axiom “chew on for a day before you decide” applies here because that is exactly what I did. Over breakfast, my wife and I discussed the article and as Americans the “bread and butter” issues we discuss over our mealtimes together should be a microcosm of what other patriotic, conservative Americans (who are the majority) discuss over meals, around water coolers at work and anywhere we congregate.

We are fiercely patriotic, Christian and ascribe to the embedded notion that America’s Constitution is to be revered, respected and followed. We believe in “legal immigration”, freedom, liberty and the vision that we are to leave America to our children in such a way that they will have more than we, when we depart.

We listen to Glen Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, Sarah Palin and the host of other conservative talk radio personalities who have stepped up to fill the void of information (truth) that our Main Stream Media refused to give us and most of all we consider ourselves active “tea party members”. That said, we have discussed the path that America has traveled and the trajectory it course has taken since the middle of Bush’s second term. That’s right, we believe that our discourse with the so-called conservatives began under Bush (we blame him). Though we applaud his handling of national security issues, we deride him for his blatant out of control fiscal policies and his misguided attempt to give amnesty for illegal immigrants.

The discourse discussions had quickly changed in tone and content with the election of Barrack Obama and the elevation of the Democrats in both the House and Senate. The tone of our talk was now of fear of transformation and the complete disintegration of America as we have come to love in our lifetime. The one thing that I have consistently told my wife in the discussion was that in the end “America will persevere”! I have told her that America (the men & women across the country) will never let it happen. I have told her that what we have taken for granted (freedom, liberty and the bedrock fundamental principles of our founding fathers) will reassert itself as the pressure from the socialist transformation tries to take hold. I liken the socialist dream of this transformation to that of a “splinter” in America’s body. It is foreign and festering and the body is in the process of rejecting it naturally as our body would reject a splinter. The body America simply does not accept these principles that have been forced into us because it goes against everything we have set into place in this experiment called America. The wound that began with corrupt and weak Republicans is now a fully blown infection that the Democrats have furthered with their lies, distortions and forceful thuggery. We Americans reject this and thus we are the anti-bodies fighting to reject this internal invader called “socialism”.

Now that a day has passed since I posted this article from Jeffrey Simpson I will address the content in the context of what I have just articulated:

"We can only hope that our American friends enjoy their national holiday weekend. Let them wave their flags, enjoy their picnics and show their love of country, because they need a holiday.

It is disturbing these days for the country’s friends to watch the Great Republic’s politics, to wonder about its economy, to tremble at its deficits, and to shake their heads at its Supreme Court that has struck down corporate contribution limits in politics and reaffirmed the right to bear arms, to the intense joy of the gun lobby.

This opening statement exposes the author quite profoundly as he is openly disdainful of the America in which my wife and I (as well as the majority of other American’s) ascribe. Mr. Simpson exposes his hatred for those who show national pride by his comment of flag waiving, picnics and love of country diatribe. He can only hope WE take a holiday from our beliefs because this is the underlying sentiment he talks of.

It is furthered by his next paragraph – his hostility towards our court for reaffirming two of our bedrock principles freedom of speech (corporate contributions in politics) and our right to bear arms. This is evident by the false and deceptive attack on business. The thing he does not understand or refuses to understand is that corporations are made up of people (individuals) and as such the freedoms of our constitution extend to them also. The other misunderstanding is the deflection of the intense joy to a “lobby group” when in fact it is the American public who is breathing a collective sigh of relief that the Supreme Court has finally placed our right to bear arms back into our arms as individuals. The left have tried to bastardize the legal system through legalese and legislative fiat to take away this right for many years now.

The United States gave itself the most gifted President in several generations, handed his party a majority in both houses of Congress, only to watch his presidency be swamped by the doleful legacy of the Bush years, a worldwide recession and its parlous aftermath, and a ferocious Republican opposition bent on a search-and-destroy mission of his presidency.

Once again Obama is the tip of the “splinter”. To call him the “most gifted President” in several generations is misguided. The over the top vocabulary he uses (Doleful and Parlous) underscore the continued hatred of Bush and the blame they continue to throw at his feet given the fact that he admits the majority status of his beloved Obama and his socialist brethren in both houses of Congress (since 2006). You can say Bush contributed to the out of control spending but the economy and its “parlous aftermath” are a direct result of the control of the Democrats since 2006 (remember its mid 2010) and the 4+ years of their legislation and largess. Finally, the ferocious opposition of the Republicans is not an apt description either. They have stood in a complete and unified voice of opposition to the Healthcare bill, cap and trade further bail out measures being forced upon America but to say we are “bent on a search and destroy mission” is melodramatic because the author equates “ferocious opposition” to personal destruction of the President.

To make matters worse, the war in Afghanistan, into which President Barrack Obama has poured thousands of additional soldiers and billions of borrowed dollars, is going poorly. As The Economist belatedly recognized this week, “America and its allies are losing in Afghanistan.”

The U.S. commander there, Stanley McChrystal, was sacked for impolitic remarks about various high officials in the Obama administration, a dismissal even the choleric Republicans did not criticize.

His replacement, David Petraeus, somehow has to salvage something from the Afghan mess, at a time when Americans are growing increasingly weary of that war, now into its ninth year.

The very best that Americans (and allies) might hope for is to inflict sufficient damage on the Taliban in the next year that some insurgents might be inclined to negotiate inclusion in an Afghan government. To say that this is a long shot understates the odds.

The Pakistanis are already assuming an American departure and defeat, and are therefore looking to strengthen ties with the insurgents and the Afghan government of Hamid Karzai, so that they, and not the Indians, will have a more important influence on the government in Kabul.

The “America is losing the war” rhetoric is a tired one. The fierce opposition the author describes in the section above this one disappears to show that McChrystal’s firing was a just one but he still couldn’t help but call the Republican “Choleric”. I especially liked the “Obama has poured thousands of additional soldiers” into the war when the truth is he was feckless, indecisive and had to be dragged into that decision against the wishes of his far left constituency.

The U.S., far away, burdened with debt, its public having turned against the war has already imposed a deadline for beginning some kind of withdrawal next year. Time is therefore running against the Americans, as are its allies, some of whom want out next year, including Canada, the Netherlands and Poland.

It is this Obama deadline that has emboldened the Taliban. The coalition of the unwilling “Canada, Netherlands and Poland” is the only ones he could cite for those who want out next year vs. finishing what we went their do.

What to do about Afghanistan will be the subject of intensive debate at year’s end, after the mid-term elections, the prospects for which colour everything in political Washington.

The mid-term elections do colour everything in political Washington, this much is true. It is the only thing keeping those Democrats who believe they have a modicum of a chance of re-election from doing anything stupid. But, once the elections are over and the Democrats (and left leaning Republicans) lose their majority then the lame ducks will be even more dangerous to America as they will have nothing else to lose and will not be bound to their constituents any longer.

It had been hoped, for example, by those who want action on climate change that the U.S. Senate might produce an energy and environment bill that the President could sign. Nothing seems likely now, given the stout opposition of the Republicans to any serious measures, including a cap-and-trade system. Democrats, too, are divided, with legislators from the coal- and oil-producing states protecting their industries. One of these Democrats just died, Senator Robert Byrd, a pork-barreler par excellence from West Virginia, who used to oppose action against acid rain.

Here the author is lamenting at the “global warming” failure to convince us argument. Again, the descriptor “stout opposition by Republicans” is humorous. At least he says that some Democrats also are divided, but he describes the opposition minded Democrats as “big oil and energy” lap dogs. The true description of those Democrats in opposition are “cowards” because they know their political lives are at stake because the majority of the opposition Democrats (Blue Dogs) are from and were elected by conservative constituents.

In this, as in much else, what happens or does not in the U.S. directly affects Canada. The Harper government has said it will follow any U.S. measures against greenhouse gas emissions. But if the U.S. Congress is unable to decide anything, what does the Canadian government do? Given the Harper government’s lassitude toward climate change action, this result might suit the Conservatives, if not the country.

The immense borrowing requirements of the U.S. – requirements that stretch over the horizon – are the single most destabilizing, or at least worrisome, of all the factors at play in the world’s economy. And no country is more exposed to the ups and downs of the U.S. economy than Canada.

Those U.S. borrowing requirements are daily sapping the influence of the U.S. worldwide, and heightening all the international uncertainties about deflation/inflation, high unemployment, sluggish growth, the volatility of the U.S. dollar.

Last weekend, Mr. Obama lent his name to a G20 declaration calling for halving deficits by 2013-14, a statement easy for him to make, but impossible for him to fulfill without congressional approval.

In the House and Senate, no appetite exists for doing more than nibbling at the edges of the deficit/debt problem, certainly not before the mid-term elections and very likely not thereafter. Without taking aim at the defense budget and considering higher taxes, all debate about the deficit/debt is an illusion wrapped in rhetoric.

As stated above, the economy is owned lock, stock and barrel by the Democrats who have been the majority in power since 2006 regardless of the blame Bush argument. The author again, is lamenting that he believes we Americans will not cut our defense budgets (a favorite of Democrats who want to decimate our military strength) and will not impose higher taxes (again a favorite of Democrats and socialists who are anti-business and pro government).

At the state level, governments constitutionally required to balance budgets are slashing everywhere: welfare, universities, health, children’s programs.

Corporate profits and industrial production are recovering in the U.S. That’s the good news. The discouraging news is that consumers remain hesitant, unemployment is high, the housing market remains awful, and the country’s fiscal situation is appalling.

This last section takes the cake! Again, the author has the disdain of our Constitution requirements. Notice the “slashing” everywhere comment is focused on the socialists four favorites (Welfare, Universities, Health and of course the oft mentioned “children’s” programs).

Finally, his information of corporate and industrial production recovery is another dishonest bone being thrown for the benefit of the “most gifted President of the last several generations” but the truth is what he ends with – “consumers remain hesitant, unemployment is high, the housing market remains awful, and the country’s fiscal situation is appalling.”

Happy Fourth of July to them. They need it."

What this article really transmits is the desperation before the death of the Democrat Socialist party of America just prior to the Mid-term elections. The Democrats and those aligned with them in the MSM (as is the author of the Globe article) are seriously depressed about their utopian dream unraveling before their eyes. It goes to show that America’s spirit cannot be lied, cheated or beaten into submitting to false and foreign behavior in the most cherished “Golden City of the Hill”! Lastly my wife has a suggestion for this particular author as well as the Democrats in General – “quit your daytime job!”

Jeffrey Simpson books (need I say more):

• 1980 - Discipline of Power, winner of the 1980 Governor General's Award for Non-Fiction.
• 1988 - Spoils of Power
• 1993 - Faultines, Struggling for a Canadian Vision
• 1996 - The Anxious Years
• 2000 - Star-Spangled Canadians
• 2001 - The Friendly Dictatorship
• 2007 - Hot Air: Meeting Canada's Climate Change Challenge (co-authored with Mark Jaccard and Nic Rivers)

Notice the progression of his writing:
Discipline of Power, Spoils of Power, Faultlines, Struggling for Canadian Vision, The Anxious Years, Star Spangled Canadians, The Friendly Dictatorship and finally Canada's Climate Change!

This lays out the socialist agenda in its timelines that mirror exactly what has transpired up to and including its failure to allure the masses.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

If you have the stomach, you need to read this garbage!

Article posted on The Globe newsite titled "Happy Fourth of July - America Needs it! by Jeffrey Simpson

Warning, the content will make your head explode like a mortar fired firework display.  I hope your gag reflex is not a weak one because you will need all the strength you can possible muster to keep from projectile vomiting.  I would suggest once you read the article which I have linked to their site, feel free to leave a comment -- I did.

"We can only hope that our American friends enjoy their national holiday weekend. Let them wave their flags, enjoy their picnics and show their love of country, because they need a holiday.

It is disturbing these days for the country’s friends to watch the Great Republic’s politics, to wonder about its economy, to tremble at its deficits, and to shake their heads at its Supreme Court that has struck down corporate contribution limits in politics and reaffirmed the right to bear arms, to the intense joy of the gun lobby.

The United States gave itself the most gifted President in several generations, handed his party a majority in both houses of Congress, only to watch his presidency be swamped by the doleful legacy of the Bush years, a worldwide recession and its parlous aftermath, and a ferocious Republican opposition bent on a search-and-destroy mission of his presidency.

To make matters worse, the war in Afghanistan, into which President Barack Obama has poured thousands of additional soldiers and billions of borrowed dollars, is going poorly. As The Economist belatedly recognized this week, “America and its allies are losing in Afghanistan.”

The U.S. commander there, Stanley McChrystal, was sacked for impolitic remarks about various high officials in the Obama administration, a dismissal even the choleric Republicans did not criticize.

His replacement, David Petraeus, somehow has to salvage something from the Afghan mess, at a time when Americans are growing increasingly weary of that war, now into its ninth year.

The very best that Americans (and allies) might hope for is to inflict sufficient damage on the Taliban in the next year that some insurgents might be inclined to negotiate inclusion in an Afghan government. To say that this is a long shot understates the odds.

The Pakistanis are already assuming an American departure and defeat, and are therefore looking to strengthen ties with the insurgents and the Afghan government of Hamid Karzai, so that they, and not the Indians, will have a more important influence on the government in Kabul.

The U.S., far away, burdened with debt, its public having turned against the war, has already imposed a deadline for beginning some kind of withdrawal next year. Time is therefore running against the Americans, as are its allies, some of whom want out next year, including Canada, the Netherlands and Poland.

What to do about Afghanistan will be the subject of intensive debate at year’s end, after the mid-term elections, the prospects for which colour everything in political Washington.

It had been hoped, for example, by those who want action on climate change that the U.S. Senate might produce an energy and environment bill that the President could sign. Nothing seems likely now, given the stout opposition of the Republicans to any serious measures, including a cap-and-trade system. Democrats, too, are divided, with legislators from the coal- and oil-producing states protecting their industries. One of these Democrats just died, Senator Robert Byrd, a pork-barreler par excellence from West Virginia, who used to oppose action against acid rain.

In this, as in much else, what happens or does not in the U.S. directly affects Canada. The Harper government has said it will follow any U.S. measures against greenhouse gas emissions. But if the U.S. Congress is unable to decide anything, what does the Canadian government do? Given the Harper government’s lassitude toward climate change action, this result might suit the Conservatives, if not the country.

The immense borrowing requirements of the U.S. – requirements that stretch over the horizon – are the single most destabilizing, or at least worrisome, of all the factors at play in the world’s economy. And no country is more exposed to the ups and downs of the U.S. economy than Canada.

Those U.S. borrowing requirements are daily sapping the influence of the U.S. worldwide, and heightening all the international uncertainties about deflation/inflation, high unemployment, sluggish growth, the volatility of the U.S. dollar.

Last weekend, Mr. Obama lent his name to a G20 declaration calling for halving deficits by 2013-14, a statement easy for him to make, but impossible for him to fulfill without congressional approval.

In the House and Senate, no appetite exists for doing more than nibbling at the edges of the deficit/debt problem, certainly not before the mid-term elections and very likely not thereafter. Without taking aim at the defence budget and considering higher taxes, all debate about the deficit/debt is an illusion wrapped in rhetoric.

At the state level, governments constitutionally required to balance budgets are slashing everywhere: welfare, universities, health, children’s programs.

Corporate profits and industrial production are recovering in the U.S. That’s the good news. The discouraging news is that consumers remain hesitant, unemployment is high, the housing market remains awful, and the country’s fiscal situation is appalling.

Happy Fourth of July to them. They need it."

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Ancient Egyptians, Masons, and Revelations!

Are humans capable of “singularity”?

Let me begin by saying that “I believe in God”! My Religion is Christian. I also believe that Extraterrestrial beings exist. I also believe that they, like me, are all children of God. I believe that these extraterrestrial beings are technologically advanced to a point that they either mastered “time travel” or the ability to bend time to travel quickly so as to make long distance travel, from their home to ours without dying en-route. To clarify this belief I do so to explain that though they are far more advanced than we, they were still created as we were by a higher power than they (i.e., God).

For me my belief in God was not always so. I was one of many who “needed to see” and quantify His being real, by scientific proof though I have always kept an open mind of His existence.

I looked for archeological empirical evidence, or something tying Jesus to something scientific. Scientists have been trying to prove and disprove Gods existence for many millennia. Religion and science have always been antagonistic towards each other yet there have been scientific breakthroughs that work hand and hand with each other (i.e., Science & Religion). One that comes to mind is the current research taking place at the Super Collider on the “God Particle”.

Another lesser known experiment that will gain more traction with the recent book by Dan Brown “The Lost Symbol” is in the field of Noetics. Scientists claimed that they have actually weighed a human beings’ soul. The “soul weighing” experiment was followed very closely by the Vatican and the Pope and commented on its findings as being pleased that the “soul” has been quantified. This experiment was not conducted by anyone religious but by famous communists.

The Experiment:

In 1988 German scientists weighed 200 terminally ill patients directly before and after their deaths. In each and every instance the weight of these people reduced 1/3,000th of an ounce. Thus is the science of Noetics.

According to the scientists – “The inescapable conclusion is that we have now confirmed the existence of the human soul and determined its weight,” Dr. Becker Mertens of Dresden said in a letter printed in the German science journal Horizon.

“The challenge before us now is to figure out exactly what the soul is composed of”, he continued. “We are inclined to believe that it is a form of energy. “But our attempts to identify this energy have been unsuccessful to date.”

The expert’s report, co-authored by physicist Elke Fisher, got mixed review from top scientists around the world. Gerard Voisart, the leading French pathologist, was especially critical, saying that the weight difference between the living and the dead could be accounted for by air leaving the lungs. But Drs. Fisher and Mertens said they took that into account in making their calculations. They further stated that the device they used to weigh the soul has a margin of error of less than 1/100,000th of an ounce.

“It occurred to us that the weight loss could be the result of an instantaneous physical deterioration,” said Dr. Fisher. “But after exhaustive study we agreed that was not the case. The only possible explanation is that we were measuring the loss of the human soul or some kind of life force.”

Is the soul a singularity? There are many who say, yes. Once the soul breaks free from its “prison” (human body) and is released it is no longer bound to this plane of existence. It, in essence, becomes “god like”. The bible describes that “we all have God in us” and that “God created man in his image.” The “resurrection of Christ” describes the souls’ release from its earthy prison.

Furthermore – “In the Roman Catholic Church, Saint Michael has four main roles or offices. He is the Christian angel of death, carrying the souls of all the deceased to heaven, where they are weighed in his perfectly balanced scales (hence Michael is often depicted holding scales). At the hour of death, Michael descends and gives each soul the chance to redeem itself before passing, thus consternating the devil and his minions. St Michael is the special patron of the Chosen People in the Old Testament and is guardian of the Church; it was thus not unusual for the angel to be revered by the military orders of knights during the middle Ages. Last, he is the supreme enemy of Satan and the fallen angels.”

I found this evidence (of Gods existence) the moment I opened and begun to read “The Bible Code” and the “Bible Code II - The Countdown”. In the opening chapters, in laymen terms, I was given the scientific proof that was peer reviewed by the worlds leading mathematicians (Eliyahu Rips) who set out not to prove that the a code was imbedded in the 3,000 year text of the bible -- but disprove it as a hoax because they believed that it flew in the face of scientific probability. In doing so and to the contrary, they not only validated the findings, but added their own personal scientific mathematical expertise that expanded the work and the findings.

The code that was found in the Bible, Torah’s and other religious texts show it was imbedded (hidden) over 3000 years ago. Similarly, Ancient Egypt pre-dated Christ by 3000 years. The code that was found has allowed scientists (mathematicians) to pull events that have transpired historically directly from the biblical texts proving that these events have been foretold. Events like Hitler, Al-Qaeda 9/11 strike, etc. The scientists surmise from the code that there is a “key” here on earth that will be divulged when the time is right to avert Armageddon.

The intensity of the research was now focused on breaking the code to allow the scientists to see into the future events instead of verifying the past. On page 31 of the book, Michael Drosnin (author and founder of the Bible Code) explained the following discovery:

“They key. It played on my mind the whole time I was in Israel, and then one night I opened my laptop and looked into the Bible Code for “Code Key (mentioned in the opening paragraph).” It was there four times.

Twice as an obscure Hebrew word I didn’t recognize crossed “Code Key.” It wasn’t even in my dictionary. But in the definitive Hebrew dictionary it was translated as “obelisks.”

It was also found that the “Code Key” that was engraved onto an obelisk contained the “language of the Chaldeans.” According to the bible code “in the opening verses, the “plain text tells the story of a siege on Jerusalem by a king of Babylon, who brought back to his palace some of the children of Israel. They were taught all that was known in the ancient world, “all wisdom, and knowledge, and science,” including the language of the first known civilization, the “language of the Chaldeans.” In the hidden text of Daniel it spoke of the children “standing in the palace” the same words in Hebrew could be translated “pillar in the palace (Obelisk).”

An Obelisk is the one object (real world) that ties Ancient Egypt (which is where they first appeared) with the Vatican, Washington DC, Ancient Rome, Modern Rome and the Masons for the mere fact they all possess one (or many).

Obelisks – Date back to early 3,000 b.c.e. and the Ancient Egyptian Culture.

1) Washington Monument was designed by Freemason Robert Mills and is the tallest Obelisk in the world.

2) Vatican Obelisk originally erected in Rome around 30-28 BC and moved to the Vatican in 27.

The word “Revelations” as is described in the bible, torah and other religions come from the “root” “Reveal” (To make known, To bring to view – show). We know that in many religions, Revelations describes the “end times, or end of days” or the final battle between good and evil.

There have long been comparisons between certain aspects of the Christian religion and Ancient Egyptian beliefs. For clarification, the Preface of the book written by Moustafa Gadalla titled “The Ancient Egyptian roots of Christianity” indicates – “The very thing that is now called the Christian religion was already in existence in Ancient Egypt, long before the adoption of the New Testament. The British Egyptologist, Sir E.A. Wallis Budge, wrote in his book, "The Gods of the Egyptians"[1969], "The new religion which was preached there by St. Mark and his immediate followers, in all essentials so closely resembled that which was the outcome of the worship of Osiris, Isis, and Horus."

The similarities, noted by Budge and everyone who has compared the Egyptian Osiris - Isis - Horus allegory to the Gospel story, are striking. Both accounts are practically the same, e.g. the supernatural conception, the divine birth, the struggles against the enemy in the wilderness, and the resurrection from the dead to eternal life. The main difference between the "two versions," is that the Gospel tale is considered historical and the Osiris - Isis - Horus cycle is an allegory. The spiritual message of the Ancient Egyptian allegory and the Christian revelation is exactly the same

For me, I know that God created the universe. The scientific claptrap that it just was and not created is ludicrous. It had to be created - it just didn’t magically appear long ago out of thin air. Likewise, the argument of Darwin that man climbed out of some primordial ooze and evolved into the complex life form now known as man is equally ludicrous. I believe that there was evolution going on because life is nothing but evolving. To age is to evolve. But that single cell that supposedly climbed out the soup had to come from somewhere just as the universe itself.

The special nature of man is his soul. Now that the soul has been weighed it has mass at the subatomic level in the form of energy?

When the soul departs its prison and becomes one with the universe the realm of possibilities are endless. It means we do not die (in the conventional sense), we evolve. Do we then have our conscience intact? This “singularity” of our soul removes us from our current plane of existence and if we are truly one with the universe at this point then we simple would only have to think about a place and we would be there. This pure form of teleportation could explain how extraterrestrials travel such great distances without dying along the way.

This is what I believe is to be discovered (Code Key) - the answers that saves mankind from its destiny of Armageddon. We already know that our minds are yet to be unraveled and understanding how it works. For instance, take the following excerpt from the book “Law of Success” written by Napolian Hill:

“It happened on Armistice Day in Chicago in 1918. That day, he woke at 3 a.m., feeling as someone had tried to awake him using physical force. As he sat up in bed, he knew immediately that something out of the ordinary had happened. He felt so strange that it had driven him to get up get dressed and leave for the streets in Chicago in the middle of the night. Outside, he found that there had already been thousands of others who had felt the touch of the same influence, yet everybody was wondering what happened, why everyone was on the streets?

They didn’t know at that time that what happened was that millions of men had received instructions to cease fighting and there combined joy set in to motion a thought wave that swept the entire world and made itself felt in every normal mind. Never before had so many people though of the same thing, in the same manner at the same time. Everybody felt something in common, effectively creating a mastermind.”

Napoleon Hill was also a “Freemason”.

This is exactly the dynamic, or group mastermind would have if the obelisk described in the bible code is found, uncovered and divulged to everyone one the planet. It would be a powerful uniter in a time when religions divide the world over whose God is the true God.