Wednesday, October 16, 2013

America wins when Democrats lose

The House conservatives have held firm and the country is the better for it.  Conservatives has sit back this week and watched as the RINO's worked side by side in the Senate singing Kumbaya.  It gave everyone that dirty taste of what it looked like when bi-partisanship happens but then shit happens too.  The shit I speak is the minority of conservatives who have stood brave and tall, told it like it is and did not flinch in the face of withering fire.  All of us out here have hoped that the Senate GOP'ers would fail to get what Obama and Democrats have been wanting all along.

Well the Democrats didn't and the final shootout at the OK corral happens inside of 2 days.  That date will come and go and the world will still be standing.  The only world that will be crumbling is the one utopian world that the Democrats have been hastily building at our expense.  It is time to start the dismantling project.

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