Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The Avengers

There are new Superhero's on the scene and they are not "Whacko Birds".  Senators Cruz and Lee are taking Washington by storm in the name of true Americans.  They are leaping tall buildings with a single bound and are faster than a speeding bullet.  They are also multitasking dynamo's.  Instead of taking the fight to the evil doers on the Democrat side of Gotham they are also fighting the insidious infiltrator imposters that call themselves Republicans.  As Sally Zelikovsky at American Thinker puts it -- "As a party, we cannot afford to lose millions of more votes. We must clean up our internal affairs before we take on the enemy."  While fighting for us, the little people, they are also engaged in reformation.  Guess what, they are winning.  Islam, moderate Islam, can take a page from their book in efforts to weed out their extremist elements and reform. 

The vocal and dissatisfied Rep. Peter King (R-New York) calls the efforts of our dynamic duo as turncoats, traitors of Republicans.  I wrote a recent article that on September 9, 2013 King was the only GOP member to officially throw his hat in the 2016 Presidential field.  Cruz is his main obstacle in achieving that (with the exception of the voters) goal.  So, if you do a little background check on King you will find he has done this internal chicanery before.  He has more in common with Obama than Cruz when it comes to taking down another republican for political expediency -- "King first sought public office in 1977, running for an at-large seat on the Hempstead, New York Town  Council and winning with the backing of the then-powerful Nassau County  Republican Party machine led by Joesph Margiotta.  In1981, he successfully ran for Nassau County Comptroller again with Margiotta's support. The next year, when several prominent Republican politicians, led by then Senator Alfonse D'Amato, sought to displace Margiotta, King joined them in this internal Republican dispute; at one point, he was the only Nassau politician to do so." - Wikipedia

The American public are proud of these two and the many others who have joined in the battle.  They are fighting for us and for "Truth, Justice and the American Way".

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