Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Colorado recall - Part III

Colorado made history when it recalled 2 sitting Senators who worked to pry the guns from their constituents hands.  Now, after the successful recall another Senator is facing the same fate.  This has prompted the Democratic Colorado Governor (Hickenlooper) to issue a pleas for outside groups to stay away and let Colorado handle their own business without interference.  This of course is aimed at the NRA.  The difference between the NRA's involvement and other socialist forces like Bloombergs' group is that the NRA actually has members inside the State that it is fighting for whereas Bloomberg is only interested in the same thing the gun grabbers want, well to grab those members guns.  The interesting thing about this plea from the Governor is that the Senate Democrats are in the majority by 1 slim vote and another successful revolt of the voters would swing the majority away from their power.  Me thinks the wild west is revitalizing. 

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