You have heard of them, "Chain emails" that are sent to one person asking that they forward them to another and so on and so on. The White House (David Axelrod), which is losing control of the Health Care debate has created their own version of "pay it forward" in the hopes that it spreads to every household computer in America showing the "myths" that the rightwing conspiracy brown shirt activists are spewing.
Funny thing about this powerful new tool in the democrats "quiver" is I have yet to see it in my inbx. Me thinks that once the White House hit the old "send" button to their supporters (which of course is the minority in this attempted highly controlled debate) they in turn sent it to their supporters and it ended there because libs do not have any "conservative" friends in which they speak to.
Once the emails hit all of the 16% who favor this socialized bill, it died there.
The hillarious thing s that here in America, chain email (or spam if you wish) are illegal.
Yes, and as far as the internet shows, most of the people yelling about chain letters seem to be left-wingers screaming "Look at all the right-wing chain letters getting passed around, and look at how wrong they are, and that they are chain letter spam!" And unfortunately, there is plenty of right-wing chain letter activity. So it's about time to balance the scales and expose the fact that the left does commit chain letter activity. They just don't make a big stink about it if it is their own. And it is definitely time for moderates and the right to stop all chain letter activity, leaving the spamming to the left and to be exposed for the spam it is. Good post.